Sunday, February 3, 2008

Teddy Arrives

First off, we need to thank Linda and Jeanette from Posh Pets Rescue.  They were great throughout the entire adoption process, and it was obvious to me and Annie that they really do care about the welfare of the animals that they foster.

Jeanette brought Teddy over around 2:45PM yesterday, and Teddy started to explore his new home.  We walked him around the grounds, and he sniffed everything.

Jeanette spent about a half an hour or so inspecting Teddy's new digs, and decided that we were worthy parents.  A little bit of paperwork later, Teddy was ours.

Teddy immediately declared our bed to be his.  We indulged him for a while... he's too cute not to.  He is now politely asked to get "off the bed" when he jumps up.  He's got a home bigger than a studio apartment all to himself.

He had two little accidents in the apartment (one on the hardwood, and one on the rug), but that was our fault for not immediately getting him outside when he started walking around.  He hasn't had one since.

Originally our plan was to keep him in the apartment all night, in order to get him acclimated to us and his new home.  We changed that plan after we watched his excitement during our numerous walks.  We had to take him to the dog park in order to tire him out some.

Teddy loved the dog park.  Soon he was running around, tackling anything on four legs.  Romper, a 9 month old pup, quickly became Teddy's good friend (AKA, wrestling buddy).

After about 30-45 minutes at the park, we dragged Teddy away.  The half mile walk home was memorable.  Little did we know, Teddy was so tired that he did not want to walk.  Halfway home, on Henry Street, Teddy started trying to duck into every business front door, thinking it was home.  He tried to stop walking and started to whine a little, just wanting to be home and

What could we do?  Well... this:

Teddy spent the rest of the evening sleeping.

Oh...  and most of the morning.  He slept through the night beautifully.  I got up around 7:15 this morning to take him for a walk (he took care of ALL of his business on the walk... he's a good boy), and he's been sleeping on either my or Annie's lap ever since.

Welcome to Teddy's Excellent Adventure.


Shawn said...

i'm very excited to meet this adorable little mutt!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love him!!!!
Good job guys. What good parents.